Amazon Favorites

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So we all know that Amazon is taking over the world right? We I have to say that I totally jumped on the band wagon because it is so convenient and they literally have anything you need or want. Also, the Prime membership is a awesome thing to get new parents (that is how we go sucked in and I am never looking back) Below are the link to a few of my current favorites and re-orders (click on the title to find them on Amazon)

I would love to hear about your favorite things in the comment section!

Veeda Natural Tampons

weird, yes, awesome, also yes! the older I get the more concerned I have become with the ingredients of everything – including feminine items. I feel a little better during my time of the month knowing that i am using a organic, cotton only product.

BS-Mall Makeup Brush Set

I was skeptical of these bad dogs when I saw the price, but when i saw the reviews I thought why not?! I am so glad I ordered them, I have had these since October and I am still a big fan (I do always suggest washing makeup brushes before use)

Lappi Baby Bassinet

Our daughter did not like laying in her cradle or on flat surface to sleep at night because of all the open space around her. I was searching online trying to find the perfect solution and this is it! It is half the price of a Dock-a-Tot and I think it works great! (I was willing to buy a Dock-a-Tot because they have such great reviews but I wanted to see if something more affordable would work first and lucky me, it did!) This product is also machine washable which is a huge plus!

Himalayan Salt Lamp

I am all about the natural energy that things posses and what they can do to the “vibes” in your home and work spaces. These salt lamps are so awesome for clearing negative energy and also looking beautiful! They also really help with respiratory issues which is great because asthma runs in the family.

Five pound bag of Haribo Gummy Bears

Don’t judge me, mama just likes her gummy bears! Also buying them in bulk like this is much more economical than the little bags.

Silicon Baby Bibs

Best. Thing. Ever! especially when you have a little one that is just trying “solid” foods. So easy to clean off, wipe down and store.

Beauty Glazed Makeup Palette 

This palette is inspired by the Jaclyn Hill Morphy palette that I sadly was not able to purchase. I found this and the reviews were great, so I took a leap of faith and so far I have been pleasantly surprised with how great it is



Thanks for reading – Hope you are having a great day wherever you are!
